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Do you know of any Hampton Wick people who served in WWI in the field or at home? Please get in touch.

Arthur Stanley Collins

Rank: ?

Lifetime: ?

A report in The Surrey Comet dated 16 December 1916 concerns the divorce petition by Arthur Stanley Collins, who, at the date of the case, was a Bandsman in the Army. He was seeking a divorce from his wife, Dorcas Collins, on the grounds that whilst he was working as a gardener for Dr Fearn at Home Park, Hampton Wick she had an affair with Mr Fearn’s chauffeur, their lodger. The divorce was granted and nothing further is known about Arthur Collins’s military career.

The first phase of this Project is to gather information about the men commemorated on the Hampton Wick War Memorial who fought in the Great War, also known as World War I, WWI or the First World War.

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